Thursday, May 31, 2012

Feeling Grateful

My Mother's Day gift to myself.  Thank you, Self!!

We didn't know until we were in the car which museum we were going to that day.  We "by chance" went to the art studio first where these kind Tibetan monks were and sculpted alongside them.  I don't know if Angelo fully understood what an amazing thing this was (which is great in it's own way), but I am so grateful that we were able to hang with these peaceful guys who laughed so easily.

After the monks left, it was on to the museum playground, which we hadn't been to yet.  I am so grateful that we have places like this so close and can fully explore each one, one trip at a time.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Walks, Flowers and Art Journaling

Dana-bo-Baynah will be 8 on Friday!!! Just love this special pup and am looking forward to toasting her with a special bottle of wine we've been saving for a great occasion like this.  My SIL bought us a bottle from Real Dogs Wine.

My furry child and I have really been enjoying our walks (and long talks) around the neighborhood.  When we first moved here, I walked her in the cemetery up the road and took a lot of interesting pictures.  In recent months, we have found a great route using the sidewalks in the blocks immediately around our house and since the first buds of Spring, I've been taking pictures of the neighbor's flowers.  So nice of them to plant right next to the sidewalk so I don't have to feel like a stalker and climb into their yards.

Some of these are printed and ready to go into art journal entries.  Although I've been art journaling in one form or another for several years, I have been on a role lately as I am thinking a lot about my upcoming Art Journaling Workshop at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts.  Lots of art love going on here!

If you art journal, what are your favorite prompts?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Busy Busy With Art Making!

Oh my.  Has it really been over a month since I last posted?  Well, here's some of the projects I've been working on while I wasn't posting- altered books!! Almost all the images came from other books- novels, encyclopedias, vintage knitting catalogs.  Some are my photos- ones I've collected or taken myself.
