Monday, April 27, 2009

Morgantown public library story hour

Angelo had a good time at this. I thought it was ok. They did a cute craft. I think this was geared more towards the 3's in this 2 & 3 year old group. we arrived 5 minutes early and were the 1st there. the librarian wanted Angelo, who's just turned 2, to "sit and wait for the other kids". she didn't start until 10 after, so she expected him to sit and do nothing for 15 minutes. yeah, right. Then a good deal of the story included which birds were pretty and which were ugly. I actually think crows are pretty, but the librarian told the kids they were ugly. ... hmph! Angelo participated wonderfully when there was finally something to _do_ (pick out a bird, go to the table and tear open a package ...) We'll try again to see if it gets better. Angelo has a good attention span for a 2 year old, so I don't know how much I can tolerate hearing "now sit on your cushion"...

I instantly thought of a Mothering magazine article where a woman started her own story hour because the library one was ... well, like this one. had unrealistic expectations and was ... a bit disappointing.

More pics on Facebook.

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