Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunny Day in the Yard

I watched my sister's dogs this weekend. These pics on Facebook are of all of us enjoying the sun, dirt, dandy lions and new leaves on Saturday. The captions on the pictures tell most of the story.  

I was taking pictures of leaves, beautiful, lush dandy lions, grass, etc. for a scrap book layout/art journal entry called "soothing sights of Spring". I'm always so relieved and greatful when Spring is finally here.  Winter is so long and depressing that when I see signs that it is further behind us, it does my soul good.  Saturday's temperatures felt more like summer, but I am not complaining.  It was a nice time, especially the day of a performance when Eric was out of town. My dear friend Libby was wonderful enough to come over and watch Angelo while I got ready and chase him at the theater during the show. Friends truly are flowers that never fade!

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