Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby Slings- Baby Wearing Tools

Slings, wraps and carriers allow you to hold your baby longer, which is important for their security and the bond between the two of you/your partner. You can also "get a lot done" while wearing your baby (putting him/her in the sling). "Worn" babies cry 50% less! Next to Mom/Dad, what's to worry about?  :)  this is what I've tried and worked: 

I really like my ring sling, which I got at It is actually a water sling. dries very quickly and doesn't ever overheat baby. I got one with a shoulder pad, but that limits the type of holds you can use (can only use a hip carry on one side). this company provides great directions with their slings. 

I also really love the Robozo wrap my sister got me.  don't know where she got it, though. It is very versatile in its holds. I still use it in a hip hold with Angelo (almost 2, almost 30 lbs) and used to nurse him in it when he was a newborn. it takes a little practice to get used to (as do most slings, but this one knots, and I tried it first, so I remember needing _slightly_ more practice with this one. also, there were more possibilities...)  I love the beautiful stripe and always make sure to use it for "special occasions". it "technically" isn't a wrap since I think they consider a longer piece of woven cloth a wrap. by the way, Angelo didn't like the "newborn carry" for long- wanted to be upright in a front carry with his legs free. a lot of people recommend folding their little legs up like a frog, but he never liked that. I just snugged up the cloth under his bum. each baby is different and will like different holds/slings/wraps at different ages.

I tried 4 yards of cotton gauze as a wrap and thought it worked great. though would have been much better if it were 5 yards. If you are also tall, I'd recommend the longer length.  never tried it, but I've heard great things about the Moby wrap, which they now sell at Target. 

I got a Maya Tie from Maya wrap and it has been really helpful when I am by myself and need to pack/unpack the car. he didn't like it until he was past one year. we use a back carry with this. beautiful patterns! so hard to choose! :) has a variety of free patterns for wraps/slings.  I've not bought any from this site, but did get some useful information there.  Mothering Magazine has a reprint available of their "Babywearing 101" article. if you want to check it out, the site is  

Angelo's outgrown the Baby Bjorn sport carrier, but we loved it when he still fit in it. the only issue is that, especially with boys, you can't have them in it more than about an hour . it really lets you be hands free for most things (except bending over :) ).

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